Generative AI Revolution: The End of Jobs as We Know It.
And that is wonderful news.
That’s right, the robots are coming for our jobs and it’s time to face the music (which will be AI-generated, too). But before you start panicking and stocking up on canned goods or even toilet paper, hear me out.I am no pessimist, which you might know from my2023 predictions. But I also don’t like to BS around.
Credit: for Tomorrow Academy
The Creative AI Revolution, like the Industrial Revolution, isn’t all bad news. In fact, it’s downright exciting!
As machines continue to become more intelligent and capable, it’s becoming increasingly clear that many jobs currently done by humans will soon be done by machines.
AI has the potential to eliminate a staggering 43% of the current jobs by 2030.
It won’t be just obvious jobs like data entry or customer service that will be replaced by AI, but also ones that have traditionally been considered as requiring a high degree of creativity and craftsmanship, such as illustration, art direction, production, writing, editing, speaker, and even journalism, as AI-powered tools become more advanced at creating content. Additionally, fields such as finance, healthcare, and manufacturing may also see significant changes as AI is integrated into various processes and systems.
As generative AI continues to advance, many jobs currently done by humans will be taken over by machines. This may seem daunting at first glance, but it also represents an opportunity for society to reshape our culture and redefine what it means to be human.
As Roy Amara, president of the Institute for the Future once said, “We tend to overestimate the effect of a technology in the short run and underestimate the effect in the long run.”
And like the industrial revolution led to the creation of new jobs and industries, the age of Creative AI will also bring about new opportunities for growth and innovation in the long run.
For example, in the healthcare industry, as AI takes over tasks such as creating personalized treatment plans and predicting potential health issues, humans will have more time to focus on building deeper connections with patients and providing emotional support. In the financial industry, AI-powered financial planning will free up human financial advisors to focus on more complex and high-level decision-making, such as identifying and investing in emerging markets.
Similarly, in the consumer goods industry, AI-driven product recommendations will allow human marketers to focus on creating more immersive and personalized brand experiences. And in the space industry, as AI takes over tasks such as weather forecasting and climate modeling, humans will have more time to focus on space exploration and research, paving the way for new discoveries and advancements in technology.
In short, while the rise of Creative AI may lead to the displacement of certain jobs, it will also lead to the creation of new and exciting roles for humans. As a society, it’s important that we embrace this change and think creatively about how we can use the freed-up time and resources to drive progress and improve our overall quality of life. This will fundamentally change the way we live and work and will require us to rethink everything from how we organize our economy to how we govern ourselves.
And as designers, the advent of the Creative AI Revolution demands a rethinking of our approach to product and service creation. Rather than solely focusing on the human-centered approach, we must now consider the unique capabilities and needs of machines as well. This is where the stakeholder-centered approach (SCD) comes into play, enabling us to design solutions that effectively anticipate and fulfill the needs of all stakeholders involved.
Key takeaways:
Generative AI is set to revolutionize the way we work and live, taking over many jobs currently done by humans.
This new age of AI represents an opportunity to reshape our culture and redefine what it means to be human.
Generative AI has the potential to empower us to achieve more than we ever thought possible, creating a world of infinite possibilities and limitless potential.
The use of generative AI in conjunction with the stakeholder-centered approach can lead to efficient solutions that effectively anticipate and fulfill the needs of all stakeholders.
As AI becomes more advanced, it will change the way we live and work, requiring us to rethink everything from how we organize our economy to how we govern ourselves.
“The future is coming fast, but it’s not something to be feared. It’s an opportunity to shape an entirely new human existence, one that is more fulfilling, more productive, and more in line with our true potential as a species. Embrace the revolution and let’s see where it takes us.”
Dominik Heinrich, Founder of Creative AI Academy, Futurist, Designer, Innovator, and Assistant Professor at PRATT
And let’s keep in mind that current AI applications are based on deep learning and function differently from the human brain. AI excels in quantitative analysis and routine work but lacks creativity and critical thinking.
Do you want to learn more about how to harness the power of generative AI in your creative process?
Disclaimer: The ideas and content in this article have been collaboratively generated by both a human and a machine. Special thanks to the contribution of ChatGPT in providing valuable insights and shaping the final outcome of this piece.